The Pot and Driving Campaign

Administrator: Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA)
Sponsors: Canada’s Drug Strategy, Health Canada
Jurisdiction: National
Start date: 2005

Background: Canadian youth have one of the highest rates of cannabis use in the world and many see it as a harmless, mainstream drug with no significant negative consequences. The Pot and Driving Campaign addresses this issue.

Goal: The goal of the Pot and Driving campaign is to increase awareness among Canadians aged 14 to 18 years about the risks of cannabis impaired driving.

Campaign and materials: Throughout 2005, the CPHA conducted extensive research and formed focus groups consisting of professionals and Canadian Youth. The result was the campaign image of two pilots in a cockpit smoking pot with the tag line: "If it doesn't make sense here, why does it make sense when you drive?" Campaign materials include:

  • The pot smoking pilots poster;
  • 10 questions (to provoke thought and discussion) ;
  • Responses to the 10 questions (handouts for teenagers to encourage talking and listening) ;
  • A handout of frequently asked questions about pot and driving to inform the discussion; and,
  • A guide for adults who want to engage teenagers in discussion about pot and driving.

The above materials can be found using the web-link below.

Furthermore, in January 2006, CPHA partnered with the National Aboriginal Health Organization’s (NAHO) Ajunnginiq (Inuit) Centre for a three month project focused on pot and driving in Northern regions of Canada. Campaign materials were produced in English and Inuktitut (except the Learning Activity Unit which was produced in English only) and sent to high schools and youth centres in 52 Inuit communities. The package included:

  • A cover letter by the CPHA and NAHO partners that stated, “Whether your community views pot and driving as a priority problem or not, the materials enclosed are sure to promote some good discussion and learning about marijuana and other related issues”;
  • A Pot and Driving Fact Sheet;
  • A Pot and Driving Learning Activity Unit for high school teachers and youth coordinators;
  • Four “pot smoking pilots” campaign posters in English;
  • Four campaign posters with space for inserting Inuktitut dialects; and,
  • A Pot and Driving Public Service Announcement for use on community and regional radio.


Canadian Public Health Association
400-1565 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K1Z 8R1

Phone: 1-613-725-3769
Fax: 1-613-725-9826