Interactive (Classroom)
I Promise Program - Teen Safe Driving InitiativeAdministrator: I Promise Program Background: Each day teenagers are involved in fatal car crashes. However, many parents feel they "trust" their teen to drive safely and do not need to complete a safe driving contract. However, the issue isn't trust, it is safety. As such, social worker Gary Direnfeld developed the I Promise Program Teen Safe Driving Initiative when his own son came of driving age. Goal: The program is intended to initiate discussion between parents/adults and their teenagers about road safety issues that may otherwise be missed or taken less seriously, compared to discussing the matters on their own. Program and materials: The initiative is based on The Parent Youth Safe Driving Contract; a 9-page document developed with input from police, driving instructors, insurance executives, stakeholders in traffic safety, parents, and youths. The contract covers risk issues, expectations and responsibilities for the safe use of the vehicle being driven, and instructions on what to do in case ofcollision as recommended by police and driving instructors. There is also a form to document incidents, should they occur. The Parent Youth Safe Driving Contract is free for download (see the web-linkbelow). Contact: Gary Direnfeld I Promise Program Inc. Email: |
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